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Over the years we have picked up some very useful things along the way and where possible we still do our best to pass them on to you. This page will have links to what we consider good, useful websites that we believe will help you too! They may not be travel or camping, but they probably will on the whole!


If your going abroad in a vehicle - read this!

UK Government Advice

AA list of Compulsory requirements

RAC video worth Watching

Useful things

Vacation List (My thanks to Vertex42)

Hitching up checklist

Netmums, camping for families


Long Vacations - People who really want to get away!

Our Tour - A couple in a camper for over two years!

A major break - A young family looking for adventure

Europe  by Camper - for £28.83 per day for two!


Dudley Ladies Running Club


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